Hourly Rate Calculator
for using a Flat Rate Manual

Make an entry in every box below that applies to have your suggested hourly rate calculated, if a particular item doesn't apply, enter zero.  When finished, click on the SUBMIT button.  To reset all values to blank click on the reset button. 

Electric Bill, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Water/Sewer, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Nat Gas/Propane, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Telephone, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Answer service, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?

Building and Vehicles

Rent/Mortgage, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Building Maintenance, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Insurance, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Vehicle payment, Monthly
Vehicle Repairs, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Gasoline, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Business Expenses
Advertising, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Liscence Fees, Yearly
Professional and business Fees, Yearly
Employee Expenses

Do not count yourself as an Employee

Your Salary, paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Other Misc, Monthly
Are your normal working hours;
  1. 40 hours per week?
  2. 44 hours per week?
  3. 48 hours per week?
Number of employees
Gross pay of all employees
  1. Weekly?
  2. Bi-Weekly?
  3. Monthly?
  4. Quarterly?
  5. Annually?
Vacation days per year
Bonus and commissions of all employees
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Total FICA paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Workers Comp paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Tax, Real Estate paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Taxes, Personal Property paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?
Taxes, Other paid
  1. Weekly?
  2. Monthly?
  3. Yearly?


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